Seven Winter Survival Tips

Seven Winter Survival Tips

The change of season can cause skin to dry out, as well as, affect your mood. With a little care and planning, you can fight the wintertime blahs. Here are a few tips to use when you need a quick pick-me-up.

1. Take your vitamins – Use a topical vitamin C to brighten skin and take vitamins to help combat the change in weather.

2. Protect distressed skin – Apply Cultured Natural Body Butters to your entire body and hair to replenish moisture. 

3. Hydrate – Drink plenty of fluids and use Cultured Natural Body Butters.

4. Watch your diet – Eat healthy foods rich in fats and vitamins, such as coconuts, avocados, sweet potatoes and oatmeal.

5. Protect your skin with cozy clothing – Throw on fuzzy socks, warm gloves, knit blankets and woolen scarves.

6. Indulge in warm beverages – Sip herbal teas, hot apple cider, hot chocolate, or a hot toddy.

7. Cozy up with a feel- good book or magazine.