The Use of Essential Oils

The use of Essential Oils for the body and hair dates back thousands of years. From Africa (c.460 C- 370 BC), Essential Oils have been used for health care long before the use of drugs and chemicals . The history and the use of essential oils date back to the beginning of recorded history from Egypt, Greece, India, Rome, and China. The plant kingdom has provided unique and powerful extracts and essences that have been valued for their beauty, enhancing healing, spiritual, fragrant, and therapeutic value. Africans are credited with prescribing aromatic baths and massages to treat the human body holistically.

It appears that the ancient civilizations were on to something that has stood the test of time and proven efficacy and effectiveness of Essential Oils which continue to benefit our lives today.

With the use of carrier oils, Shea butter and Cocoa butter, Cultured Naturals brings the power of Essential Oils to our Hair and Body products. With the perfect blends to repair and heal and provide a calming effect with Lavender and healing with Frankincense Myrrh and Ylang Ylang.